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Vadodara News

GR Infraprojects announced on Sunday that its subsidiary, GR Ena Kim Expressway Private Limited, has received a provisional completion certificate for the eight-lane Vadodara-Kim Expressway in Gujarat. The company, in its stock exchange filing, stated, “In accordance with the provisions of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are pleased to inform you that the project ‘Construction of Eight Lane Vadodara-Kim Expressway from KM 254.430 to KM 217.500 (Vill. Kim to Vill. Ena Section of Vadodara-Mumbai Expressway Bharatmala Project) in the state of Gujarat under NHDP Phase-VI on HAM Mode [Phase IA/IB – (Package VI, ENA-KIM)]’ of GR Ena Kim Expressway Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, has been provisionally completed.” .......

Vadodara News

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