

10:21 AM
Monday, February 17
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About letstalk-city

The Base
In the first phase the brand LetsTalk-City.com plans to accomplish goal of establishing as one point information source for the major cities of Gujarat (India), later extending its scope to other Indian states and overseas. The idea alone should be enough to make this a brand worthy of your attention but the story of how the founder, a NRI (Non-Resident Indian) discovered the need of quality city info web site is equally compelling to be mentioned.
The Concept
A thought converted to concept - Carved out from the idea to give 'Best to Best'
The idea of 'Best to Best' manifested in the mind of the founder NRI (Non-Resident Indian) onboard a flight while touching down his home town after a decade. Obvious things a visitor to a city would be looking for is a decent transport service, lodging-dining, ATM, entertainment and of course shopping among other things. These things are also commonly looked by city residents who want services of premium and authentic outlets. The need of a source that would provide information for the authentic and premium outlets gave birth to the concept of ‘Best to Best’ - hence the creation of LetsTalk-City.com sites.
The Difference
Don’t get fouled by the name
LetsTalk-City.com isn’t another info website. Cyber-space is crowded with local info-sites; LetsTalk-City.com is different in way that it is first city-info site series which doesn't allow free listing. The approach of 'Participation by Invitation Only' ensures premium and authentic outlets being part of the website.
The Class
Flying in wider seat, in Premium class cabin!!!
We believe junk information that results from free listing is eyesore for a website visitor, the other visual pollution we have discarded is 'Google Ads'. We strictly follow our policy of presenting only the substance, faster through simpler and crisper interface considering user's browsing ease. LetsTalk-City.com offers cozy environment, equating browsing to flying in wider seat, in a 'Premium' Class spacious cabin!
The Value
Spending every penny wisely
We don’t spend more on marketing and advertising, we don’t give away everything for free .The saving thus made is invested in great design and available best technology that makes browsing ease a user's delight.
We are born and grow within corporate communication environment
We know business communication to core since LetsTalk-City.com is part of 'Cogentelli' the group that provides business intelligence, specializing in media analysis, public relations measurement and corporate communication evaluation. We have communication in our DNA!
The Spirit
Hands guided by happy hearts create masterpieces
We continue to imbibe the 'Cogentelli' belief: "Motivated and satisfied team mean happy clients". By making job satisfaction our top priority we guarantee support of happy and smiling team. We strongly believe lack of interest (initiative/ enthusiasm….) would fail the most advanced technologies to deliver, while hands guided by happy hearts would create masterpieces. The underlying concept of our business is - customer satisfaction is inherently dependent on employee satisfaction.

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